Sunday, February 20, 2022


3John 2 

Anger and Hate: A Tense Pair


So, does this particular issue of psycho-emotional excess warrant our time to dig into the topic a bit and to look at some of the many pieces that hold it together. In my mind, the answer to this question is a resounding yes! Clearly, some of the most destructive and distressing behaviors take place when we are in the midst of overwhelming emotions. In our culture and society today, we are introduced to barely believable, repetitive acts of violence, thievery, gang activity, mental health disorders. and a whole series of aberrant behaviors that are prompted by addiction. Families without fathers are much too common, and rob young people of healthy world views, moral framework, and respect for authority.


Anger appears to occur and reoccur on a continuum and on a high level of complexity that may include:


·       Isolation

·       Loneliness

·       Sadness

·       Frustration

·       Anger

·       Contempt

·       Irascibility

·       Toxic levels of stress

·       Hopelessness

·       Fear

·       Suicidal thoughts and actions (anger turned inward)

·       Hate

·       Rage

·       And, a series of mental conditions including psychoses, the depressive disorders, traumatic brain injury, and the ever- present addiction to mood-altering drugs. Also, young people who injure, torture or kill animals often end up with pathological personality disorders that involve the incapacity for empathy.

Institutionalized Hate

I am interested in not only human negative emotional states, but with the organizations that are driven by these same emotions and that are a potential threat to our culture and society. The point here is that being a member of an organization that has a worldview that facilitates, condones, and thrives on murdering police, destroying legitimate businesses, and distorts the truth of long-standing history can only happen in the presence of hate and rage. These participants are dangerously brainwashed, set an extremely unhealthy example for our youth and degrade any sense of morality in the culture. Use and abuse of mood altering, illicit drugs is common in many of these gangs and more formal organizations.


So here is a smattering of contributions to institutionalized hate. And, we believe that in most cases, there is deeply embedded unhealthy emotion, e.g. hate, anger and etc. in the hearts of those folks who participate in these movements. Interestingly, this destructive emotion may be quite overt, may be preconscious, or may be quite subdued and unconscious. Denial and other psychological defense mechanisms are often in play. And, I believe it is clear that many of these folks are absolutely brainwashed and this is a key factor in their sometimes blind adherence and commitment to the associated violence and otherwise injurious behaviors. 

Black Lives Matter (BLM) 

BLM is a decentralized political and social movement that seeks to highlight racism, discrimination, and inequality experienced by black people. When its supporters come together, they do so primarily to protest incidents of police brutality and racially motivated violence against black people. BLM:

·       Embraces many liberal policies

·       May use language critical of police, or supportive of transgender and gay rights.

·       The BLM position on abortion is confusing

·       Disrupts the Western-prescribed nuclear family

·       Participates in and supports violent protest

·       Embraces a confusing position about Christianity

·       Some believe that BLM is a Marxist, anti-police, revolutionary and radical organization

·       Anti-Israel

·       Trump: ‘Black Lives Matter is a 'symbol of hate'

George Soros Shenanigans

Critics say the policies of Soros-funded DAs, which have included abolishing bail and, in the case of Chicago, placing hundreds of violent criminals on electronic tracking systems, have led to a spike in crime throughout the country. According to the FBI’s Annual Uniform Crime Report, the country saw a 30 percent increase in homicides in 2020 — the largest single-year spike since they began recording crime statistics 60 years ago. The report also saw a 24 percent decrease in arrests across the country.

In a recent year, Philadelphia, a city of 1.5 million, had more homicides than New York and Los Angeles, the country’s two largest cities. The city recorded 521 homicides — the highest since 1990 — compared to 443 in New York and 352 in Los Angeles. Chicago, the country’s third largest city, registered the highest number of homicides at 739, up three percent from the previous year. 

“Everywhere Soros-backed prosecutors go, crime follows,” said Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton in a statement to The Post. “These legal arsonists’ have abandoned their duty to public safety by pursuing leniency even for the most heinous crime, and they often flat-out refuse to charge criminals for shoplifting, vagrancy and entire categories of misdemeanors. 

In Los Angeles, where critics say that criminal justice reforms have recently led to a wave of looting and violent crimes, Soros funneled more than $2.5 million into a California political action committee

 “George Soros has quietly orchestrated the dark money political equivalent of ‘shock and awe,’ on local attorney races through the country, shattering records, flipping races and essentially making a mockery of our entire campaign finance system,” said Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the National Legal and Policy Center in Virginia.

Between 2015 and 2019, Soros and his affiliated political action committees spent more than $17 million on local DA races in support of left-wing candidates, according to the Capital Research Center, a non-profit that tracks lobbying and charitable giving.


Abortion: is a stubborn and dark challenge involving Pro-Life versus Pro-Choice dynamics. Abortion is a unique sort of aggression, is a hugely important moral issue, and in the media at large there appears to be a lot of silence around this issue.

 Unmarried men tend to be in gross denial about abortion and the very significant boundary violations involved. This is murder, even though it is culturally sanctioned. This is his child.. and, this is His child. Concepcion is a miracle and needs to be treated as such. Our country is not even close to being able to negotiate a moral solution for the issue of abortion. There are many dynamics involved here that perpetuate abortion: panic, anxiety, denial, rationalizations, fear, financial gain, poverty, narcissism on the part of the doctor and the women involved, and both judicial and political support for abortion. There often is also relative ignorance about options like adoption. This issue of abortion lacks consensus even in the Christian community. Therefore, we have a significant compromise of Biblical direction and a need for The Christianity Umbrella, outlines stumbling blocks to the practice of Christianity and the integrity of the Holy Bible. I have written extensively on this topic for our website: lifestyle –

‘You shall not murder’ (Exodus 20:13)

In the two decades following the FDA’s approval, medication abortion has proven to be safe and effective, and has come to be used routinely. An abortion using pills can be completed at home or elsewhere outside of a medical setting and there are any number of reasons why someone might choose this method, including privacy, availability and convenience. And this method may extend access to abortion in underserved communities. However, this medication abortion option, like all other abortion options, does not negate the huge immoral issues. This medication option does however help to minimize the number of tax dollars used in support of abortion.

It is important to note that with many people, pro-choice options reflect a number of important ingredients including irresponsibility in terms of looking out after our fellow man, amorality, a deficit in compassion and, a bit of narcissism that entitles one to engaged in drastic, self-serving actions, despite injurious results to others. It is also important to note that many women who have an abortion, have serious negative psycho-emotional reactions later in life.

All medical facilities that are involved in abortion, including Planned Parenthood are obviously part of the problem.  


This is the notoriously brutal gang based in El Salvador. MS-13 poses a unique problem because of the unusually brutal crimes its members have committed, including its success in using intimidation to victimize and control people in its territory, and its focus on recruiting young members, often in schools. It is like a mobile revolution in and of itself. Strategic use of immigration enforcement is a necessary element to disrupting and dismantling MS-13 gangs and any other transnational criminal organization operating in our communities. The proliferation of sanctuary policies that interfere with cooperation between state and local law enforcement agencies threatens to hamper efforts to stifle MS-13 activity. MS-13 generated crimes have been found in at least 22 of our states; these crimes included murder, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, sexual assaults and extortion. Such gang activity adds a dramatic flair of instability in an environment that is already struggling mightily because of rampant anarchist activity and sentiment. So, what do the hearts of this organization’s members consist of? Love? I don’t think so. Compassion?, I don’t think so. This is cold blooded, brutal anger with associated acting out.

Radical Islam 

Former President Trump and his administration have spoken out boldly, concerning Radical Islam as a central ingredient in the ‘War on Terror.’

Some sources believe that Radical Islam started as a theological reform movement within Sunni Islam. The intent was to return to the original teachings and practices of the prophet Muhammad and the Quran. The Study of contemporary Muslims involved The Salafist doctrine that is based on looking back to the early years of the religion to understand how contemporary Muslims should practice their faith. They reject religious innovation and support the implementation of sharia (Islamic law).

Since President Trump attempted to ban Muslims from certain countries from entering the United States, the question of which Muslims are ‘moderate Muslims’ and which are potential ‘radical Islamist terrorists’ has gained new relevance. While some Muslim leaders deny any connection between their religion and terrorism, it is undeniable that many terrorists claim to act in the name of Islam. While some leading Muslim scholars stress that moderation is a central value in Islam, many Muslims nevertheless do not like to be called ‘moderates’ for fear of being seen as pro-Western. It is beyond the scope of this paper to determine where the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims stand in relation to terrorism, distinguishing between Jihadist Muslims, Islamist Muslims, Conservative Muslims and Pluralist Muslims.                  

Remember 9/11!

Islamic fundamentalism in the shape of an organized political movement belonging to the modern era was born in the late 1920s with the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. This was indeed the first modern political organization to be based on an Islamic fundamentalist agenda.

Thos acting on behalf of militant Islamic organizations have in recent years killed and wounded civilians and soldiers through stabbing, axe blows, strangulation and shooting. Among the victims were a 15 -year-old girl and elderly persons aged 70 and over. These organizations have also murdered many dozens of Arab residents of the territories who, according to them, were either suspected of having contact with Israeli entities, or of failure to abide by the norms of personal conduct binding upon them according to the teachings of these radical Islamic groups. 


 Some Antifa adherents have expanded their definition of fascist/fascism to include not just white supremacists and other extremists, but also many conservatives; individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-state views, subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies. A majority of individuals involved are anarchists, communists, and socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries, and have little allegiance to liberal democracy although some social democrats also adhere to the Antifa movement. The name Antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement. Former President Trump at one time sought to label Antifa as a terrorist organization. While many Antifa sympathizers do not support violence as the only—or even the main instrument to oppose fascism, they do view violence as a legitimate option.

Antifa has become fascist, adopting whole-heartedly the tactics of confrontation, bullying, and street violence that were the hallmarks of Hitler’s Brown Shirts. Antifa is:

·       A domestic terrorist organization! Why is it not being dealt with more aggressively by what-ever means necessary?

·       A radical left-wing group

·       Socially leftist; communist leanings; obsessed with power and not interested in compromise

·       Anti-capitalist

·       Wants to overthrow our government

·       A movement of several groups 

 Dynamics of Anger and Hate

The main difference between anger and hate is that though both are negative emotions that all humans feel at times, the anger does not last long whereas the hate usually persists for a longer time.


Both these impulses have their roots linked to unfavorable or unpleasant experiences. As a result, we humans, feel annoyed or angry, and these negative impulses most often remain within use for a relatively short period till a reasonable solution is given to the problem which led to anger in us. On the other hand, hate is an intense negative impulse that lasts longer and is deeper than anger, and it might lead to worse outcomes such as pursuing revengeful acts.

Psychological research tells us that there is a difference in the character of hate as we age. When we first experience it, even in a minor way, it is foreign, formidable, and forbidden. During adolescence hate suddenly becomes more accessible; and, may become more generalized, triggered by seemingly trivial issues.

Then during our adult years hate may linger and preoccupy us, but as we age a bit more, we seek to distance ourselves from this complex mood state. We may become overwhelmed by it depending on a series of varied circumstances.

Hate is easily misunderstood, perhaps in part because of its complexity and intensity. The victim of hate may wish to eliminate the object of the hate and revenge may be a preoccupation.

Revenge is often a part of hate, because the idea behind revenge is to want to hurt the person/group as much as you have been hurt by them. In daily life, the word hate is sometimes used very casually (e.g., ‘I hate my teacher because she gave me a bad grade)’. People don’t usually mean that in any sincere way.

Further, it seems easier to hate groups than individuals and hate spreads and increases quicker if it’s directed at a group, rather than an individual. When you hate a group, the intensity of your hate can grow without you being confronted with specific persons or contrasting information from the group—you may be basing your hate on stereotypes and prejudices. If you hate an individual, your hate may be countered with empathy or a reappraisal of the person when you encounter their positive side.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Anger is a very common problem after brain injuries. When someone with a brain injury has a problem with anger, there are usually several causes acting in combination. Some people are angry about the injury or problems that may have come with it, such as disabilities and loss of job, friends, money and control over one’s life. Some people were angry people before their injuries and still have that problem. People who have always been angry may need psychotherapy to help them learn to cope, and in some cases medication is required. People unfamiliar with the person or with brain injury are often too quick to assume that personality alone is to blame. But many people also develop impulsive anger as a direct effect of the damage to the brain. In other words, the parts of the brain that normally inhibit angry feelings and behavior have been damaged and do not do their jobs as well. This means that the person’s anger threshold is lowered so that he or she becomes angry more easily and more intensely. We can tell that this impulsive anger is directly due to the brain injury when:

·       The anger begins with the brain injury or is made much worse by it

·       Angry feelings come and go relatively suddenly

·       Anger episodes may be in response to minor events

·       The person having the angry episodes is surprised and embarrassed or distressed by them

·       The anger is made worse by physiological stress such as fatigue, pain or low blood sugar. 

Recommendations/ Interventions 

·       For those who are susceptible, anger can bring on asthma symptoms and angina attacks.

·       Follow a diet that emphasizes simple, bland foods and eliminates hot, spicy dishes.

·       Essential oils: every morning apply a drop of sandalwood essential oil to the area in the middle of your forehead, to the throat, to the breast bone, to the navel, to the temples and to the wrists.

·       Before bed rub 1 teaspoon of coconut oil on your scalp and on the soles of your feet, then take a warm shower before retiring.

·       For an attack of sudden anger seep ½ teaspoon of chamomile and 1 tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro leaves in hot water for 10 minutes. Allow the tea to cool, strain and sip it slowly.

·       Certain yoga breathing exercises can dissipate anger.

·       When angry make a tube of your tongue and breathe deeply through the tongue opening down into the belly. Hold the breath in your lower belly for up to a half minute and then exhale through the nose. Repeat this breathing pattern for a total of 12 to 24 breaths twice daily

·       Adults who experienced dark, brooding, cynical anger are usually reacting to hopelessness and frustration; administer the medicinal herb gentian.

·       Try not to over eat and especially do not overdo sugar. Any sugar overload can lead to anger, because your blood sugar shifts, you go from being up and happy to down and irritable.

·       According to some authorities, fear is the true cause of hostility

·       When you feel angry, do at least 20 to 30 minutes of relaxing music. While the music plays, let your breath slow down and become steady. Listen not just to the notes but to the silence between the notes.

·       Life in the fast lane often comes with a built-in speeding ticket: burn out. Reducing stress is key to dealing with burn out.

·      Grief reaction: It is part of human nature to grieve when we lose something, not just when someone dies, but also when we suffer an injury or illness. We try to find reasons for our losses. One part of a grief reaction is anger at what we think caused it. This anger can also get displaced onto any handy target. People can work through these reactions by talking out their feelings. This is such a human experience that it usually does not require a psychologist, just a trusted and understanding person. However, poor memory or judgment or emotional or personality problems can complicate grief reactions and psychotherapy may be needed. 

See your Medical Doctor for anger issues when: 

·       When you experience difficulty breathing or a sudden breathlessness while angry.

·       You have chest pain or painful breathing

·       You hurt yourself or another person or persons

·       Your angry behaviors persist for long periods of time or that interrupt family life

·       You get into frequent fights




 Gottlieb, Bill: ‘New choices in natural healing’ Rodale Press Inc, 1995. 


Levin, Mark R’ American Marxism, Threshold Editions, 2021.


 Mohler, R. Albert Jr.: ‘Culture Shift: the battle for the moral heart of          America;’ Multnomah Books, 2011.


Zahler, William A.: ‘Houston, we have a problem: some select dynamics of a moral crisis’. lifestyle–interventions com, blog, September 8, 2020.


Zahler, William A.: ‘Challenges, threats, and chaos’ , lifestyle–, blog, June, 2020.


Zahler, William A.: Relativism, lifestyle–, the Christianity umbrella, January 2021.


Zahler, William A.: ‘Abortion’ lifestyle–, the Christianity umbrella, February, 2021.


Zahler, William A.: Brainwashing, lifestyle–, the Christianity umbrella, March, 2021.


Zahler, William A.: Counter Culture, lifestyle–, the Christianity umbrella, June 20 21.



William (Bill) Zahler, MSW, MPA, DipACLM

Website & Blog: lifestyle –

YouTube: William Zahler



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